ePanorama.net - - Privacy Policy
ePanorama.net Privacy Statement
The publisher of ePanorama.net is committed to a responsible management of consumer data. We comply with all rules, both ethical and legal, with respect to the use of consumer information obtained by us and we adhere strictly to all industry guidelines at all times. We undertake to continuously monitor our management of the use and security of consumer information to uphold your rights.This statement outlines the type of information we collect and store, our usage policy, and whom to contact with questions or concerns. ELH Communications Ltd owns and operates this Website.
Personal Data
On www.epanorama.net, ELH Communications Ltd will not collect any personally identifiable information about you (name, address, telephone number, email address) unless you provide it to us voluntarily. If you do not want your personal information collected, please do not submit it.Once collected, such data will only be used for the specific purpose for which it was sought and to which you consented. It will not be used for any other purpose whatsoever. Any personal data we hold on you will be deleted or updated upon request and any inaccurate or misleading data held will be changed or deleted upon your request.
If you no longer wish to receive the information for which your data was collected, or should you wish your data to be deleted or amended for any reason, please let us know by contacting us. Details of the data we hold on you will be provided on request although we reserve the right to charge the relevant statutory disclosure fee (where appropriate). Any request of this nature should be directed to us by e-mail.
Non-personally Identifiable Information Collected Automatically
For each visitor to www.epanorama.net, our Web server automatically recognizes your domain, IP address, the type of Internet browser you are using, the type of computer operating system you are using, and the domain name of the Web site from which you linked to our site. This non-personally identifiable information is collected automatically to be used only for internal review and statistical purposes.Information Collected by Advertisement System
The web advertisements in www.epanorama.net are operated by Fastclick.com. You can read their Privacy Statement for information what information they collect and how it is handled. Fastclick does not engage in the collection, distribution, sale or use of personally identifiable information about Web Users, such as email address, name, phone number and street address. All web user data collected by Fastclick as part of the ad serving process is not personally identifiable (browser type, for example) and is used in aggregate form.Who to Contact
Please e-mail questions or requests for more information about ePanorama.net's privacy policies and initiatives to:[email protected]