ePanorama audio documents
70 volt systems are generally used in commercial applications where many speakers needs to be run from one amplifier. It is also called high impedence speaker system. The advantage is that, being high impedence, long cable runs of relatively small gauge (usually 20-24 gauge) do not significantly affect the output as they would in a common low impedence speaker system. This document gives you the basic information about 70V audio speaker systems There are different methods for measuring the power ratings for amplifiers and speakers. And different measuring methids give different values so it is vital to understand the difference between theosedifferent power ratings to be able to make at least some comaparisionf between different power ratings. This article is collection of information posted to rec.audio.tech newsgroup at July 1996. The information is compiled from Usenet newsgroup rec.audio.pro articles written by Norbert Hahn, Dick Pierce and Earl K.
Short table about audio attenuation
Information about audio cable lenght
Tips on repairing and testing audio cables
Simple A-weight filter
What is balanced connection?
What is dynamic range.
Elecret microphone connection.
Tips for equalizing audio system.
Details about headphones and headphone amplifiers.
Audio induction loop for hearing aids.
Information about loud sounds.
This simple line mixer allows mixing of two line level audio signals together to make on audio signal. This circuit can be used to mix the audo signal from for example two soundcards, CD player, casette deck or any combination of those. This simple circuit is very easy to buils and you can even fit the components inside the RCA connectors if you are careful in construction.
Information about multimedia microphones.
Description of different noise types. (Pink, White etc.)
Information about Signal Noise Ratio
Information about SPDIF
The following article is based on news articles posted to rec.audio.tech newsgroup by Richard Pierce, Dan Marshall and John Woodgate at 1998 and 1999- The article is compiled and edited by Tomi Engdahl at 1999.
How to measure speaker element parameters.
Who invented surround sound system.
How does VU and dB meters differ ?